- 2008-07-01 (火) 14:03
弊社も設立してから20年が経過したのを契機に、ホームページとロゴをリニューアル、スタッフ一同 より情熱をもって仕事に取りくみ 常に向上するよう邁進いたす所存ですので、倍旧のご指導ご鞭撻の程よろしくお願いします。
先月は初旬に胡錦涛主席来日に伴い、CCTVの依頼で東京・大阪・奈良各地での衛星中継業務、24日からは神戸で行われたG8環境大臣会議をイタリア国営RAIの依頼で取材、大阪から編集・衛星送り。28日からはは横浜で催されたアフリカ開発会議をWORLD BANKの依頼で3日間通しでビデオ記録する仕事をしました。
また、弊社のスタッフの一人である秋葉は, BBCの依頼で四川大地震の発生翌日13日から12日間の渡り、現地の惨状を取材、余震や洪水騒ぎなど、自然の驚異を現地で 肌で体感してきました。
Celebrating our 20th anniversary, we have renewed our homepage and the company logo. We welcome your visits and any inquiry you may have about the work that we do. Over the past twenty years, we have worked for broadcasters and corporate clients around the globe,and I am proud to recognize that our strength as a team is the passion for success and dedication to each project that we work on.
Below are some of our recent photos. CCTV was our client for the live, satellite-fed coverage of Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to Tokyo and Kansai area. Around the same time in Toyama and Osaka, we also coordinated shoots for History Channel’s documentary shoot. On May 24th, We covered G8 Environment Ministers Meeting in Kobe for Italy’s RAI, and edited and fed the material via satellite from Osaka. On 28th, we worked with World Bank to shoot TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development) in Yokohama. One of our crew flew to China with BBC to cover the aftermath of the earthquake for nearly two weeks and sent vivid images of survivors and rescuers struggling in the midst of aftershock and threats of damaged dams upriver. We understand that the disaster is hardly over for those who have survived, and our heart is one as we pray for each survivor, for each person who lost his or her loved ones.
We will be updating this page with latest news and photos of our work, and there will be many events scheduled toward G8 Summit in July as well as documentary shoots ahead. We hope that the page will help you grasp better about who we are, and we certainly look forward to working with you soon.
Thank you,
Tomoo Itoh
- Newer: G8 Summit
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